Dear Unlucky Driver,
It’s a fact: sometimes bad things happen to good drivers. That other driver was sure the light was yellow.
That fella on the cell phone who certainly should have been paying more attention. That deer you’re sure smelled of bourbon.
But when they do, know that you have someone waiting to make your repairs go quickly and willing to take care of all the insurance hassles for you.
Now with three locations, Fischer Body Shop’s developed its reputation by hiring the best guys in the business, investing in the latest technology to improve turn-around times, and by getting unlucky drivers back on the road as quickly and safely as possible.
Come see us in Jefferson City, Eldon, or in Mexico Missouri. Whether it’s collision repair, towing, or an entire frame alignment, we’re here to help. Check out our full list of services. If what you’re lookin’ for ain’t on there, feel free to ask us. We might just surprise ya.
That’s why we always say we’re…fixin’ big problems…cars too.
Curt, Chase, and Devin Fischer
Fischer Body Shop